Key Focus Areas

Our Vision 

At Hazelwood North Primary School we are a community of life-long learners who are inclusive, kind and curious. We are problem solvers who work together with confidence to strive for growth and excellence.

Our Values

We are Respectful

We are Responsible

We are Resilient

Academic Curriculum

Our school has a focus on the explicit teaching of phonemic awareness and phonics using a direct explicit instructional approach. This is balanced by using a gradual release of responsibility instructional model across all other areas. Hazelwood North Primary School uses science of learning approaches in the classroom, including daily reviews in literacy and numeracy, to assist students in consolidating their learning.  Classroom curriculum also covers inquiry subjects such as history, geography and science and incorporates student dialogue, questioning and feedback. As specialist subjects we have physical education & health, visual arts and STEAM with AUSLAN as our language.

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L)

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) is major focus at our school and supports students, staff and parents to understand what behaviour is expected of them and provides a safe and orderly learning environment which is an essential foundation for learning. We explicitly teach students according to our PB4L expectations using the PB4L Matrix  which covers all areas of the school and uses our school values. Student behaviour is acknowledged by staff who give students tokens to put on their PB4L charts. Students are excited to fill their charts and have the chance to come to school out of uniform, have extra computer time, bring in something special to share from home or even bring in a pet.

Social & Emotional Curriculum

As part of PB4L, our social and emotional curriculum is delivered using The Resilient Project (TRP), Mindfull Aus, and the Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships curriculum. Respectful Relationships education is a core component of the Victorian Curriculum from Foundation to year 12. It is all about embedding a culture of respect and equality across the entire school community. Respectful Relationships promotes respect and gender equality and helps students learn how to build healthy relationships. It prepares students to face challenges by developing problem-solving skills and building resilience and confidence.

Growth Mindset

“Challenge makes a situation more demanding or stimulating and is used to encourage students to learn more than they otherwise would”. ‘Challenging Learning’ – James Nottingham.

If we are not challenged, or forced to “wobble”, are we reaching our full potential? We aim at challenging students so that they are able to wobble in their learning and then scaffold this to enable them to develop their new understandings then time to consolidate this learning.

Development of certain attitudes and skills are just as important as gaining knowledge. To ensure our students develop these each teacher plans and prepares lessons that focus not only on attaining knowledge but also skills and/or attitudes that enhance learning. It is by teaching these alongside each other that students are able to progress in all aspect of their learning.